Karl On The Issues
I am running for NC House 120th district that includes Cherokee, Clay, Graham, and Macon Counties
Serving in the NC House would be an honor, I will do my best to represent the interests of all the citizens in the far western counties of NC.
I am a fifth-generation Maconian and am very proud to be from Western North Carolina.

Karl Gillespie on the Issues
So how do we fix it? One thing is for sure, counties cannot bear all of the cost alone. Programs such as the USDA “ReConnect” program and the North Carolina “GREAT” grants must be expanded. These programs along with regional and local grants to companies would facilitate driving affordable high-speed connectivity further into our communities. I am proud to have supported millions of dollar of funding for GREAT grants in our district.
Economic Development/Sustainable Employment
Sustainable employment co-exists with economic development; jobs and opportunities expand when the economy expands. We should work toward the development of good and decent jobs that allow citizens to better themselves and improve their lives. Employers are facing a shortage of skilled trades workers; we need to work with our high schools and community colleges to provide a pathway to fill these much needs positions.
When we are discussing funding formulas, we must make sure they work for our schools in small rural communities. Our students must be able to compete globally. We entrust our teachers with the job of taking care of and educating our children. I cannot think of a more important job. We should continue to support our teachers financially and provide them the tools they need to be successful as our future depends on them. I have been a advocate for funding of capital needs in schools including a $62 million for a new high school in Franklin.
Financial Accountability and Transparency
Every dollar must be spent wisely. We must constantly work to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government. This can be done while providing the citizens all the services to which they are accustomed and keeping taxes low.
Preservation of our Natural Resources and Quality of Life for all Residents
We are blessed with natural beauty that many other areas do not have. Our land, air, and water must be preserved for future generations. This can be done while using our natural resources for outdoor recreation and tourism while maintaining the small-town atmosphere and rural character of Western North Carolina. With so many acres of USFS land in Western North Carolina it is imperative that we have a forest plan that allows for the use of this renewable resource by residences and visitors alike while preserving for future generations.
Affordable Healthcare
As with other issues, rural counties are especially hard hit in regards to healthcare. We must work together with healthcare providers and insurance companies to find a solution that provides good healthcare at an affordable price. The recruitment and retention of health care professionals along with behavioral health and crisis services must be part of this conversation.
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