A Message From Karl
In my second term, I have been the primary sponsor on 18 bills and co-sponsored 63 bills.
I am proud to have had a part in North Carolina’s budget that provided critical funding for man projects. In this budget, we were able to secure over $45 million for specific projects in the 120th NC House district. This included several water and sewer projects, a 911 call center, EMS station, Courthouse repairs, and critical funding for two community colleges.
The state budget also includes various important items such as:
- Healthcare Initiatives: A total of $420 million is provided for the NC Care initiative to improve access to high quality health care for citizens and communities located in rural areas and approximately $800 million in new or expanded behavioral health programs.
- Compensation Increases: More than $2.4 billion in salary and benefit increases for State employees, retirees, and State-supported local employees
- Capital Improvements: $5 billion over the biennium for capital projects and retiring existing State debt through the State Capital and Infrastructure Fund (SCIF) including $930 million for repairs and renovations in State agency and UNC buildings.
- Local Projects: Over $2.8 billion for local government water and sewer infrastructure projects from the Clean Water and Drinking Water Reserve, and over $1.25 billion from the Regional Economic Development Reserve for local projects to support economic development across the State.
- Cut personal income tax From 4.6% to 4.5% in calendar year (CY) 2024
- Raises starting annual teacher pay to $39,000 in FY 2023-24 and $41,000 in FY 2024-25
All of this was accomplished with a balanced budget and brings our “Rainy Day Fund” (Savings) to $4.50 billion, which is the largest in North Carolina’s history.
I currently have the following leadership and committee assignments which give me an opportunity to impact North Carolina policy:
- House Majority Whip
- Chair of the Appropriations-Agriculture, Natural and Economic Resources Committee,
- Chair of the Environment Committee
- Vice-Chair of Agriculture, Vice-Chair of Appropriations
- Vice-Chair of Federal Relations and American-Indian Affairs
- Vice-Chair of Wildlife Resources
- Vice-Chair of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources
- Member of Disaster Recovery and Homeland Security
To achieve this, our campaign needs your help raising money. Please consider contributing whatever you can afford. Every dollar we raise is critical and your generosity will help to ensure our district continues to have a strong advocate in Raleigh.
If you want to contribute, please click on contribute and give what you can. Or, if you prefer to mail a check please send it to the address listed below. I commit to you that I will spend every dollar wisely and every dollar will go toward making North Carolina a better place for us, our children, and our grandchildren. Thank you in advance for your contribution and support!
Karl E. Gillespie
[email protected]
PO Box 742
Franklin, NC 28744

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