Statements of Support
I am running for NC House 120th district that includes Clay, Cherokee, Graham and Macon Counties.
Serving in the NC House would be an honor, I will do by best to represent the interests of all the citizens in the far western counties of NC.
I am a fifth-generation Maconian and am very proud to be from Western North Carolina.

Statements of Support
Karl’s love for Western North Carolina combined with his evenhanded approach will represent ALL residents of Western North Carolina well.
During his time in the State House, Karl has quickly gained the respect and trust of his colleagues. Recognizing his leadership skills, we elected him House Majority Whip with the greatest of confidence in him. I am looking forward to continuing to work with Karl to further advance the great conservative policies that we have established for the state.
Karl’s experience in local government and as a business owner with be of great benefit to the citizens of the 120th NC House district.
It has been a honor to serve with Rep. Gillespie. We became good friends from the beginning and confide in each other often. Karl serves western NC with honor and integrity and is a strong voice for his constituents as well as the entire state of NC
I highly recommend Mr. Karl Gillespie for the North Carolina House. I have known Karl for many years personally as well as professionally and have always considered him a person of the highest integrity and professionalism.
Karl will be a tremendous addition to the North Carolina House and will work tirelessly for the citizens of this state.
Karl Gillespie is a proven leader in the House majority caucus and he does an incredible job fighting for his constituents in western North Carolina. He is a steadfast supporter of the conservative principles that make our state great.
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