What Constituents Are Saying
I am running for NC House 120th district that includes Clay, Cherokee, Graham and Macon Counties.
Serving in the NC House would be an honor, I will do by best to represent the interests of all the citizens in the far western counties of NC.
I am a fifth-generation Maconian and am very proud to be from Western North Carolina.

What Other Elected Officials Are Saying
Karl’s work ethics are strong and he is very dedicated to his work. He approaches tasks with well thought-out plans. Due to his background and beliefs, he is a well-rounded individual who strongly advocates for families, farming, business, and hunting in western North Carolina as well as the entire state of North Carolina.
I have known Karl on a professional and a personal level for 25+ years and I can honestly say we are blessed in NC to have him representing us in Raleigh. He is an honest man who cares deeply about NC not to mention his neighbors. I am blessed to call him my friend. If all politicians had Karl’s work ethics it would be AWESOME. Thanks for your service Karl.
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